Mental Blocks

Not having the right mindset can hold you back from making positive lifestyle changes. We all have less than ideal self talk from time to time, but are you setting yourself up to fail with fixed false beliefs? Telling yourself over and over that you will never be good enough, pretty enough, strong enough, smart enough, etc. will create a negative reality. What type of reality do you want to experience? I hope it is one of joy and excitement where you feel powerful and in control of your destiny. It’s not just about your image, but who you are inside radiates outward. Building yourself up with postive self talk will motivate you to be the person you want to be. We are all constantly changing to be the best version of ourselves in this life. Don’t continually undermine yourself with crippling negativity. Try to eliminate false beliefs from your life and create a more positive and joyful you!

Prepare for Success!

How do you set yourself up for success? Do you lay out your workout clothes and gear for the next day? Do you pack healthy meals and snacks ahead of time? Do you log your fitness program each evening? Remember that preparation is a key factor to succeed in reaching your goals!

Workout with A-B-E for Fitness

Looking for a way to squeeze a workout into your busy day? Try A-B-E (Activity Bursts Everywhere) for Fitness! We’ve designed 3-8 minute videos where you can exercise in short bursts at home, in the office or waiting room. So the next time you need a break at work, try a few of these moves and you will feel reenergized to finish your tasks. Share them with co-workers and friends. You can create a playlist of favorites with your family and have fun exercising together!

An Epiphany

For those of us who celebrate the Christian Faith, this Sunday marks the Epiphany, a time of discovery, recognition, awareness.  A time when One greater than ourselves is discovered and embraced.
Now such great discoveries do not happen every day, and epiphanies do not always have to be in the religious or spiritual sense.  Epiphanies or transformational discoveries can happen in every area of our lives.  We can find out something about ourselves, about the world around us that is that “eureka” moment.  That “wow that really makes sense, that is what and who I want to be.  That is exactly what I have been searching for,” type of moment!
When was your last personal epiphany?  Did it pass you by and you never embraced it?  Were you so busy, so distracted with fear, anxiety, day to day stress that you failed to even see, feel, hear or experience that moment?
If you think it is possible that such moments of awareness, of realization, of transformation have come and gone without your engagement, then let’s make a pact, a commitment to each other.  In 2013 let’s listen a little more carefully.  Let’s be more receptive and search for and embrace the daily humble and the grandious punctuated epiphanies equally.


What is your mantra?

Have you ever thought to repeat a mantra during your workout? It can be something short and sweet like, “Strength. Grace. Power” or “My mind and body are strong.” Come up with something that resonates with you. Try it & see how your positive words of encouragement will get you stoked to keep moving & feel empowered!