Dr Esser quotes in Folio Weekly

Massage can be a powerful adjunctive or a primary method of care depending on your diagnosis and health goals.  I was recently interviewed regarding the benefits and applicability of massage for Jacksonville’s Folio Weekly Health and Beauty Edition.   Enjoy the read:  Folio Weekly: That Touch of Healing

The Science is Clear

When I was a young lad, sitting in a mango tree in Lake Worth, FL and listening to my Grandfather Dr William Esser ND DC I always thought there must not be real science to support the truth of lifestyle medicine.  I thought, if there was; how could anyone not believe and live what seemed so obvious.  I mean, gosh everyone who comes to the Ranch improves.  Not always 100% but no one came without some improvement in their symptoms.  Surely if science would just show that all this was for real then no one would do anything different.
So when I went on to medical school, I assumed that the studies, the evidence just wasn’t there.  But then I found out the truth.  The science was there.  The evidence was there, both large epidemiologic studies, prospective studies and on and on….ad nauseum……
I learned a hard truth to this day…..just because the evidence is nearly incontrovertible doesn’t mean people will change or live out there lives a certain way.  It doesn’t mean people will choose to do what is “right”   or what is “good” and health promoting for them.  No, unfortunately despite remarkable clarity in the vast majority of studies that whole food plant-based nutrition is an essential component of health, the overwhelming majority of academic societies, organized business and other organizations fail to promote it to the public.  As a result, much mis-information is promoted and the cycle of illness, decay, dysfunction and premature death continue.
But, there is hope.  There is a renaissance in this message and it is going on all around us.  There is a new and exciting energy for spreading the truth and the validity of this message.  Together we have the opportunity to take back our collective health and to hand on to the next generation a message of hope, of healing, of wellness, of empowerment.  You and I do not have to suffer such heavy burdens of sickness, and the most powerful forces leading to our best health are our feet, fingers and forks!


An Epiphany

For those of us who celebrate the Christian Faith, this Sunday marks the Epiphany, a time of discovery, recognition, awareness.  A time when One greater than ourselves is discovered and embraced.
Now such great discoveries do not happen every day, and epiphanies do not always have to be in the religious or spiritual sense.  Epiphanies or transformational discoveries can happen in every area of our lives.  We can find out something about ourselves, about the world around us that is that “eureka” moment.  That “wow that really makes sense, that is what and who I want to be.  That is exactly what I have been searching for,” type of moment!
When was your last personal epiphany?  Did it pass you by and you never embraced it?  Were you so busy, so distracted with fear, anxiety, day to day stress that you failed to even see, feel, hear or experience that moment?
If you think it is possible that such moments of awareness, of realization, of transformation have come and gone without your engagement, then let’s make a pact, a commitment to each other.  In 2013 let’s listen a little more carefully.  Let’s be more receptive and search for and embrace the daily humble and the grandious punctuated epiphanies equally.


Preparing for Change

The new year is upon us, and I have to be honest, I am not quite ready for the old year to pass me by.  I feel there is still so much undone, so many more tasks to complete, goals to achieve, things to learn.  Wow, where did 2012 fly away to.

Perhaps you feel the same way.  If you do, let’s make a pact.  Let’s both try to embrace every day a little more fully, each moment a little more entirely, each waking moment with a little more zest and enthusiasm.

It really is so easy to get lost in the rush of have to’s and musts, or the nagging responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, caravaning and so on, but what if we changed the most important thing of all….our attitude.  Sure you may not look like a movie star or be as young as you once were, but what about your attitude?  If you can change that then everything else in your life will improve.  The old lemonade from lemons really is true.

Ask yourself the simple question…..who do you want to be….the person who complains that things are never good enough, never right, never easy enough, that there are always things holding you back and limiting your ability to achieve your personal goals….or do you want to be the person who accepts adversity, embraces challenges, figures out ways to achieve personal goals inspite of it all?

I want to challenge and encourage you….and myself that starting in this new year 2013 we will both prepare for personal change by first changing the most important part of ourselves…….our attitude. Here’s to 2013 and the adventures, challenges and opportunities ahead.

Blueberry Juice in Public Schools!

Have you heard about this?  Blueberry juice now being served in Georgia school cafeterias?  As if that wasn’t enough good news, this is sugar free blueberry juice made from blueberries grown in Georgia.  The good news just keeps coming!  I mean who would think that you could grow something yummy and nutritious in your own state, make a health-promoting beverage and then actually get it served in the public school systems!  It just makes way to much sense……but then again maybe their is a revolution underway. I love it!  If you want to learn more about the company check out this link!  If you want to be part of the revolution get a little crazy today and eat a pint of blueberries, a fresh romaine salad and get a physical activity burst in to top it off……join us and be a revolutionary!