Medicine Ball Workout

Want a fabulous workout that works your lower body while incorporating your arms and core? All you need is a Medicine Ball or weighted object to feel the burn with these 5 exercises:

1. Rotational Swinging Squats: 10 squats rotating to the left and 10 rotating to the right.

2. Alternating Back Lunges with Core Rotations: 20 total.

3. Twisted Lunges to Shoulder Press: 15 on the right leg (pressing to the left) and 15 on the left leg (pressing to the right).

4. One-Legged Squat to Shoulder Press: 15 on each leg.

5. Figure-Eight Lunges: 30-seconds on each leg.

Medicine Ball Workout


Tough Love

Sometimes we need to give ourselves a dose of tough love.  It’s like a reality check slap in the face, and it hurts. As human beings we prefer the easier route. It is easier to tell ourselves that there are no consequences to eating unhealthy foods or that we will workout tomorrow because today the bed is extra comfortable.  This comfortable living only hurts you in the long run, and it’s time to push past your comfort zone to make positive lifestyle changes. I’m not saying you have to push yourself to exhaustion with every single workout, but getting out of bed is half the battle.  Preparing snacks ahead of time allows you to walk past the processed junk snacks at the office. It’s time to be your own mother. Our parents put the kabosh on immediate gradification because they look at the long run for us. So let’s get real about unhealthy habits. If you need a dose or two of tough love, it’s a good thing. Each day just try a little bit more to be healthier and in turn you will be happier.

Dr Esser quotes in Folio Weekly

Massage can be a powerful adjunctive or a primary method of care depending on your diagnosis and health goals.  I was recently interviewed regarding the benefits and applicability of massage for Jacksonville’s Folio Weekly Health and Beauty Edition.   Enjoy the read:  Folio Weekly: That Touch of Healing

Workout with 3 Machines

Cross-training plays an important role in improving your overall fitness. You allow time for muscle recovery while strengthening underused muscle groups and connective tissue. This prevents injuries. The Elliptical will maintain muscle adaptations, while resting the calf muscles, which do most of the work. The Rowing machine is an excellent way to condition the entire body by strengthening your legs, glutes, arms, back, and shoulders. The Bike works your quads (as well as the hamstrings and glutes if you stand while pedaling). Spinning at a high cadence of 90+ RPM (revolutions per minute) will increase your cardio endurance. Try these workouts with an elliptical, rowing machine and stationary bike.

Easy: Warm up, then hop on the elliptical, spin or row at a very easy pace or resistance for two minutes. Increase the intensity or resistance for one minute. Repeat 5-6 times and then cool down.

Moderate: Complete two rounds of the Easy workout, then hop on the elliptical, row or spin easy for three minutes.  Increase the intensity or resistance for two minutes. Repeat 3-4 times and then cool down.

Advanced: Complete one Moderate workout. Then hop on the elliptical, row or spin easy for one minute. Do three minutes at moderate pace, then two minutes hard. Repeat 2-3 times and cool down.