It is a funny thing…our minds that is. Within it we have the ability to be set free or to cage, restrict, tie down our very being. Every day we have the choice to select a world view which can empower us, motivate us to positive action or tell us we can’t, aren’t good enough, shouldn’t…etc. It is easy to let that second voice creep in. I know it because I have all too often let it creep into my head and keep me hostage. But today, I say no more…….this is the moment…….of course I say this as I am dripping in sweat riding a stationary bike….the endorphins are pumping and I aim to keep them that way. I hope to see you back here soon! Onward and upward!
“It’s a shame for a man (woman) to grow old without seeing the strength and beauty of which his body (mind and soul) is capable.” Socrates