Focus on the Pain

I love the saying- Passion is Pain Focused.  When you are pursuing anything worth while you more than likely experience discomfort that you have to push past.  When exercising, think about your mental limitations and how you can conquer them. I’ve always admired IronMan triathletes because they are the definition of pushing through the physical pain of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run (a marathon) to reach the goal of crossing the finish line.  The training that they go through is intense and it is their passion for the sport that gives them the mental endurance to work hard.  So the next time you challenge yourself with a workout, think about how strong you are mentally and how passionate you are about being healthy!

Healthy eating this new year

Start off this new year by adding more plant based whole foods into your meals. Here is our first breakfast of the new year.  Hope yours’ was just as colorful!

Blueberries, Bananas, Strawberries, Currants, Anjou Pear, Carambola, Dried Pineapple, Peanut Butter, Cashews, Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts

New Year = New You!

A professor of mine once told our class, “Excuses don’t get the work done.” It really is true. We can come up with a million reasons why we haven’t reached goals this past year. But what it really comes down to is that goals without plans are merely wishes. It is important to take action in order for your plans to be successful. Forget about the past and focus on what is ahead. A new year means you can become a new you! What are your goals for 2013? Maybe you want to increase your fitness level, eat more healthfully, manage stress better, or spend more time with your family. Think about what you want to accomplish in the next 365 days and set out a plan of action. You CAN do it!

Preparing for Change

The new year is upon us, and I have to be honest, I am not quite ready for the old year to pass me by.  I feel there is still so much undone, so many more tasks to complete, goals to achieve, things to learn.  Wow, where did 2012 fly away to.

Perhaps you feel the same way.  If you do, let’s make a pact.  Let’s both try to embrace every day a little more fully, each moment a little more entirely, each waking moment with a little more zest and enthusiasm.

It really is so easy to get lost in the rush of have to’s and musts, or the nagging responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, caravaning and so on, but what if we changed the most important thing of all….our attitude.  Sure you may not look like a movie star or be as young as you once were, but what about your attitude?  If you can change that then everything else in your life will improve.  The old lemonade from lemons really is true.

Ask yourself the simple question…..who do you want to be….the person who complains that things are never good enough, never right, never easy enough, that there are always things holding you back and limiting your ability to achieve your personal goals….or do you want to be the person who accepts adversity, embraces challenges, figures out ways to achieve personal goals inspite of it all?

I want to challenge and encourage you….and myself that starting in this new year 2013 we will both prepare for personal change by first changing the most important part of ourselves…….our attitude. Here’s to 2013 and the adventures, challenges and opportunities ahead.

Blueberry Juice in Public Schools!

Have you heard about this?  Blueberry juice now being served in Georgia school cafeterias?  As if that wasn’t enough good news, this is sugar free blueberry juice made from blueberries grown in Georgia.  The good news just keeps coming!  I mean who would think that you could grow something yummy and nutritious in your own state, make a health-promoting beverage and then actually get it served in the public school systems!  It just makes way to much sense……but then again maybe their is a revolution underway. I love it!  If you want to learn more about the company check out this link!  If you want to be part of the revolution get a little crazy today and eat a pint of blueberries, a fresh romaine salad and get a physical activity burst in to top it off……join us and be a revolutionary!