We love the power of food……..here is the feedback from someone who did our detox!  Are you ready!   You could do this too!


“Upon starting the “Esser Health 4 week Nutritional Detox Challenge” I understood that it was going to be a real challenge; however, eating became more about my health and less about feeding cravings. I started to feel my body change quickly after starting it. Many benefits came from completing the nutritional detox. I felt an increase in energy, my clothes began to loosen on me, I slept better through the night, my back pain improved considerably and as a nice bonus, I lost 31 lbs in four weeks. Even though this is labeled as a 4 week challenge, I now consider it a lifestyle that my family and I will adopt indefinitely. Having personally experienced the radically positive effects of healthy

living I intend to make it a part of my medical practice so that I can educate and empower my patients to take control of their health and prevent the myriad of chronic diseases that are rampant in primary care.” Dr F.V. DO

Health Comes from Healthy Living

A simple, basic premise overlooked by most of us most days is that our health becomes our reality and our reality is most commonly based on the personal choices we make every day.  Yes we all can get hit by a truck or get the much feared random cancer diagnosis, but the diseases most likely to rob youth from our years and years from our lives are often related to the personal choices we make.  So today, make a commitment to yourself.  Make a commitment to let personal choices…..NOT chances rule your present and future health!  You CAN do it, We can help!

New You! New Year!

Hello All!  Well it is 2014.  Almost getting deep into 2014 and likely many of you have set new health and fitness goals.  Hopefully you are excited for 2014 and ready for the journey of your lifetime.  I have been reminded these last few months that life is fleeting.  As the poet said we are at best but a “vapor” and how right he was.  In particular at this time I remember my amazing cousin James Buerkle DC who died suddenly of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.  He was a passionate proponent of healthy living just as I am and was about to set out on the next phase of his life with great energy and vitality.  Be sure you cling fast to the ones you love this year.  Remember the three key phrases of “Excuse me,”  “I forgive you,”  and “I love you.”  We can make this a healthier, holier and more “whole” world together.   Happy 2014!

Life, Health and Vitality

I have had the pleasure of seeing some really motivated and excited patients recently.  One of my patients came back to clinic and he had already bought the online book version for the rice diet.  Another patient watched Forks over Knives, spent some time reading Dr Mcdougall’s excellent posts and is already 13 lbs down and feeling seriously empowered.
I hope you are also feeling excited and motivated too.  You can do it!  Start today and go one step, one meal, one day at a time.  Next thing you know you are well on your way to achieving your health goals.  Remember this is a lifestyle and every choice/decision you make is a step in the right direction.  You’ve got this!

Exercise and the Mind

It is a funny thing…our minds that is.  Within it we have the ability to be set free or to cage, restrict, tie down our very being.  Every day we have the choice to select a world view which can empower us, motivate us to positive action or tell us we can’t, aren’t good enough, shouldn’t…etc.  It is easy to let that second voice creep in.  I  know it because I have all too often let it creep into my head and keep me hostage.  But today, I say no more…….this is the moment…….of course I say this as I am dripping in sweat riding a stationary bike….the endorphins are pumping and I aim to keep them that way.  I hope to see you back here soon!  Onward and upward!

“It’s a shame for a man (woman) to grow old without seeing the strength and beauty of which his body (mind and soul) is capable.”    Socrates