Classically, tennis elbow is defined as pain on the outside of your elbow that is worse when you extend your wrist or fingers or when you try to carry heavy objects in that hand or open doors or shake hands. It really can be quite a debilitating problem. Fortunately in most cases, it is self-limiting which means it will resolve on it’s own over the next few months no matter what we do. Of course, if you developed it after playing tennis because you hit every backhand late or just increased your sting tension or racquet stiffness, then unless you fix these mechanical issues you will continue to have problems. Likewise if you have a job with repetitive activity including factory work or typing, you may develop irritation of the area where the tendons connect on the outside of the forearm as well. In that case, good ergonomic adjustments, frequent rest breaks and stretching of the hands and forearms before and during your work day can pay dividends. Check out our videos and workout programs on lateral epicondylitis.
If you continue to have pain despite adjusting your sporting technique or your work patterns, we can help. Often use of a forearm brace, neurofunctional acupuncture, icing, cross-friction massage and muscle balancing exercises can help. We also offer steroid injections and as a last attempt surgery may help those with recalcitrant pain who fail to respond to about a year of conservative non-surgical care.
To learn more about lateral epicondylitis or to schedule a consultation, contact us.