FITT for Summer

Are you contemplating starting a new exercise program?  Perhaps you have a 5k coming up, a new weight loss goal, or maybe you heard my “Exercise and Alzheimer’s” talk and want to reduce your future risk of cognitive decline.  Regardless of your reasons, a simple tool to help you succeed is F.I.T.T.  This simple mnemonic stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.  Use FITT as you develop an exercise plan.  Frequency:  How often can you/will you exercise per week.  Intensity: What intensity is safe for you and will help you achieve your goals? Time: How long per time?  10 minutes to 2 hours.  Dependent on your schedule, goals, previous fitness etc you will map this out.  Our last T is Type:  Whether a sport (like tennis, basketball, running, soccer) or a gym routine, pilates class or the like.  This can be one of the most important decisions.  Choose something you enjoy and don’t be afraid to vary it!  You can find some great workout tips and programs in our store.  Go check them out, download a few and get moving!  Use FITT to help you succeed, and use SMART Goals to guide you!

Powerpoint Updates

They are up at last!  We have heard from a bunch of you about our recent presentations at the North American Summerfest in Johnstown, PA.  I am glad to say they are finally up and ready for your viewing.  Just click here on presentations or go to the resources tab to view!  Enjoy and let us know what other tools you need to achieve your BEST health!  Seek health!

Jared and Emily Klinefelter

I have cycled through the same lifting and running routines for several years. Before beginning Tiffany’s classes I felt like I was stuck in a rut and stopped seeing results. Her group fitness classes serve as an excellent way to change up my routine and work muscles that I never knew I had! She pushes and encourages you to continuously improve with each workout.

Robert Leslie and Alexandra Dale

Strength and weight training are an important part of my overall fitness routine and are a key part of training for my favorite sport: running. Working out with Tiffany was exactly the type of strength training I needed to keep my body healthy and strong for my long runs and races. I was challenged by each workout but always had fun throughout the routine.

There aren’t many trainers who can make a class work for people of all shapes and sizes but Tiffany pulls it off. She changes up routines and exercises so you are never bored! Highly recommended for people of all stages of fitness.

Meghan Cromer

Tiffany is a wonderful personal trainer; I always looked forward to our challenging one-on-one personal training sessions. She had a comprehensive workout plan for me and permanently changed my eating habits to make me a healthier person. She has been a positive influence in my life and has given me many tools to help me (and my family) live a healthy life for many years.